Research club

From 2009 to 2015, Research Club was a collectively-run organization that hosted a free, monthly brunch where local artists, makers, and organizers gave semi-formal talks about the projects that they were working on, the problems they were trying to solve, and the people that they were inspired by.

Accessibility and collaboration were a key part of the Research Club community. If you were inspired by what one of the speakers had to say, you could easily chat with them over the free food we served at each Brunch. Many projects and collaborations began with conversations at a Research Club Brunch.

Research Club events weren’t limited to Brunches. We hosted two Summer Camps at Silver Falls State Park, a variety night at Holocene, and curated 6 months of programming at Gallery Homeland. Occasional classes or workshops developed from the community, including two seasons of What Philosophy Can Do for Artists and an independently organized spin-off Research Club that formed in Nashville, TN and ran for more than two years.

Enjoy these examples of Research Club talks

Brunch 17 - Tessa Hulls Explains the Fundamental Traits Scientists and Artists Have in Common

RC Brunch 39 - Evan Dumas Asks If You've Run Out of Fucks to Give

RC Brunch 28 - Caleb Sayan with Textilehive and Blue Rider Textile Library

RC Brunch 35 - Mykle Hansen on Temporary Structures
