
Partial Cover

Happy Interdependence Day! I’m keeping it short and sweet this year, but throwing in some bonuses.

This year’s papercut is one of the most traditional and delicate patterns I’ve done yet, but shrunk down to stay protected by a ring of inverted hearts and a healthy buffer of dark void. The hearts are under partial cover, and an almost-ring of gold also provides partial cover. Our two cats, Frankenstein and Elvira, have taught me a lot about the importance of partial cover. You can see more than you can be seen, you’re protected but ready to pounce or GTFO, and if things are chill, you can take a nap.

In all that’s happened and happening and going to happen, I wish for all of us to have our own cozy, buffered zone of partial cover where our gold parts can shine and our two weird birds can smooch over a heart on some flowers in a cage.


I made a timelapse showing part of the making of this papercut!

On the topic of community and small, protected spaces to put art and nice things, I’m helping some friends get off Instagram and you are invited too.

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