Magic masala chips

My dear and amazing friend [[ Vee ]] sent me a wadded-up, 1/3-full bag of Magic Masala flavor Lays. We have an ongoing chip and snack discourse. I once sent them a single chip and single animal cracker in a custom made cardboard sleeve. They also were responsible for the Chip Bar at my wedding. Apparently the experience of eating these chips was too intense to keep to themselves, and before the bag was finished they crammed them into an envelope and sent them to me. I treasure my friends. What follows is the review I sent by text upon receiving the package:

The bilingual packaging leads me to believe that these are Canadian, which, after my first taste is no surprise. Whatever eldritch pact our neighbors to the north have made with Big Chip, it’s worth it. They seem to have access to consistently more adventurous flavors of chip than us, and the mainstream popularity of All Dressed – an obvious jumping-off point for Magic Masala – indicates that some significant portion of Canadian society is willing to experience more than one flavor at a time. I imagine Canada would crumble without them.

Speaking of crumbles, the delivery method of this third of a bag of Magic was surprisingly workable – many large, whole chips remained. Which is good, as the blast of flavor deserves whole-tongue contact. There was actual heat, a melange of the orange and red flavors that one can rely on All Dressed to provide, and then… something earthier. Something more. Grassy, almost a whiff of egg. One of the more complex chips I’ve had. A delight, and a welcome challenge.

stuff issue-3
Last updated on February 21, 2025