Adventures of c & a & n

Works Referenced

Town overrun by bears // This goes places.

Why Handmade Images Matter // We talked a lot about AI and art schtuff. This is the first coherent chunk I’ve been able to of a big web of writing I’ve been doing on that. I mentioned it at some point, so here it is guys.

Dynamic… systems? theory? // this one’s a headscratcher. I was trying to remember the name of an interesting and practical theory that has a terrible name… on purpose. The guy who came up with it was doing so while contracting for the US government, possibly the military. He wanted to keep getting funding, but he didn’t want people to bug him too much while he worked on it. So he picked a deliberately boring name, and put, I believe “dynamic” in the name because he knew bureaucrats liked it. Cna’t find. Does that ring a bell for anyone?

“Working”, by Studs Terkel – One of those absolute classics that I feel like I’ve read because I’ve dipped in and out of it so much. One of these days I should go over to the union bar and read through it in their library. Here’s a pretty good sample of Studs doing his thing.


Towards a Theory of the Content Creator // A survey of the 21st century content creator’s most important characteristics.

Schmedium – “schmedium” is on the small side of medium

Stramedium – Stramedium is a strong medium. The large side of medium.

Deja Virtual – Encountering a real world location that appears to be a memory, but the memory is born from encountering its virtual simulation first. alt text to come alt text to come

Things seen

Michigans – We passed some kinda roadhouse / jerky / guns store in upstate New York that was advertising their various and strange wares, some food-like, some not, and in that list was “Michigans”. Being from Michigan, I couldn’t tell ya what those are.

Turns out they are hot dogs.

Winooski’s Town Squircle – Winooski, VT is centered on a giant roundabout, like a town square. But it’s neither round nor square. It is a big squircle, and it’s low-key chaotic at all times. Apparently it’s called Rotary Park.

alt text to come

Here Lies Gabby Dzessou: Always Doing Her Own Thing

The cafe in the Town Squircle featured an art project by local high schoolers which appeared to be interpretive self-portraits. We gave them a close look, and picked our favorite. We were unanimous in picking Gabby Dzessou: alt text to come alt text to come

Things Said

“It’s like the veggie starts section of the garden center, but for different kinds of cities.” – Ním, On Albany’s eclectic and cramped skyline

“Do what you love…and you’ll have to learn quickbooks” – Andrew, on the terrible truth of life as someone with interests

Last updated on February 21, 2025